1. do you think the colours are representative of the genre of the magazine?
Yes - 5
No - 0
Opinions - 'i liked the bold style, it matches the music'
' i agree with the first comment, the bold colours are good, attention grabbing!'
' The picture is good and i like the big quotes, it suites the style of the magazine!'
2. Is the format of the magazine clear?
Yes - 5
No - 0
Opinions - 'i love the layout of the DPS and of the contents'
3. what is your overall opinion on the images used?
Good - 5
' good poses for the model, represents the attitude of the genre.'
Bad - 0
4. Are the fonts used to their advantages?
Yes - 5
No - 0
Opinions - 'nice and clear, not too formal'
' i agree completely.'
' I agree with the top. I also like the bold quotes and purple headlines.'
5. What are your opinions on all of the features used? eg. Editors note, subscribe box, title used.
- 'I like them it adds a personal sense and professional style.'
- 'I love how there is a small amount of writing, makes it easier to follow, you can look at it whilst being very relaxed.'
- 'I love the editors note, with yours and sians signiture, the contents page is really professional which is also amazing! i love how the colour scheme is suitable for the genre as well. also the fact that Avenged Sevenfold and My Chemical Romance are on the contents.'
- 'It looks very professional like an actual music magazine, a famous quote from the amazing Tom Carnell of Stereotypical Blues Train'
6. How does my magazine represent particular social groups?
- 'It's bold just like the music that is mentioned'
- 'It features people we would listen too.'
- 'It includes things that we would want to read about.'
- 'It looks very much like a teenage music magazine and if it was real i would buy it.'
hehe its so obvious which comment is mine xD xx