Monday, 9 May 2011
Evaluation - How did you attract/address your audience.
Evaluation - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full project?
Evaluation - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Evaluation - Who would be the audience for your media product?
- Wear skinny jeans.
- have piercings.
- have tattoos.
- have dark hair
- wear heavy make up
- and most importantely they must like rock music!
An example of my ideal reader.
My ideal reader would NOT! be someone like this:
Evaluation - What kind of media instituation might distribute your media product and why?
Evaluation - How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?
1. do you think the colours are representative of the genre of the magazine?
Yes - 5
No - 0
Opinions - 'i liked the bold style, it matches the music'
' i agree with the first comment, the bold colours are good, attention grabbing!'
' The picture is good and i like the big quotes, it suites the style of the magazine!'
2. Is the format of the magazine clear?
Yes - 5
No - 0
Opinions - 'i love the layout of the DPS and of the contents'
3. what is your overall opinion on the images used?
Good - 5
' good poses for the model, represents the attitude of the genre.'
Bad - 0
4. Are the fonts used to their advantages?
Yes - 5
No - 0
Opinions - 'nice and clear, not too formal'
' i agree completely.'
' I agree with the top. I also like the bold quotes and purple headlines.'
5. What are your opinions on all of the features used? eg. Editors note, subscribe box, title used.
- 'I like them it adds a personal sense and professional style.'
- 'I love how there is a small amount of writing, makes it easier to follow, you can look at it whilst being very relaxed.'
- 'I love the editors note, with yours and sians signiture, the contents page is really professional which is also amazing! i love how the colour scheme is suitable for the genre as well. also the fact that Avenged Sevenfold and My Chemical Romance are on the contents.'
- 'It looks very professional like an actual music magazine, a famous quote from the amazing Tom Carnell of Stereotypical Blues Train'
6. How does my magazine represent particular social groups?
- 'It's bold just like the music that is mentioned'
- 'It features people we would listen too.'
- 'It includes things that we would want to read about.'
- 'It looks very much like a teenage music magazine and if it was real i would buy it.'
Evaluation - In what Way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Memes and Tropes
Meme- is an element or idea that its transmitted or evolves in a culture. It is similar to a stereotype. In music, different fashion styles will be the meme. For example, people who are interested in rock music, generally you would expect them to have long black hair, dark clothes piercing’s and tattoos. In a previous post I have shown my ideal reader, she has this meme / stereotype.
Tropes- This is a recurring element in art of culture. An example of this is in films. In fantasy films, medieval is a trop of this, an example of this is Harry Potter, it is a fantasy film, yet all of its locations are based around medieval settings. Sometimes Tropes are rewritten this is called Revisionism. Tropes generally endure because the audience prefer them, they are conventional. From my experience in life, its conventional to use black on rock magazines, even if there are many other colours on the magazine black will always be the base colour underneath everything else. An example is on my magazine I am going to use the typical colours of a rock magazine (as this is the genre of my magazine)which include red, yellow and blue and of course the dominant colour black.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Magazine Font, decided.
1. Copa Sharp BTN
2. Undercurrent BTN
3. Snap ITC
4. Heather BTN
5. Smashed SF
These were the possible fonts we were going to use for out magazine title, in the end we decided on number 4 'Heather BTN', we chose this as it is a hand written font, possibly representing signitures, also it looks slightly scruffy showing the typical stereotypes of how people in the rock genre tend to care less about their appearence.
The Name For Our Magazine!!!
The two choices were AMPLIFIED or RIOT!.
We then each chose oir favourite and then passed it round the class.
so.... The name of our magazine is...
This name is inspired by gigs. As the majority of people that like the kinds of music we shall be basing our magazine around attend gigs, at these gigs, things can get very cramped and the crowd mosh causing chaos and violence.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Photo Shoot- Abandoned house.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Pictures Me and Sian shall be using.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Things to consider when making the contents page
- Keep the colour scheme the same from the front with a maximum of 3 main colours.
- Images used to keep the reader interested.
- Different pages under different sup-headings to make the contents easy to follow.
- still make sure that black is the base colour.
- highlight the things featured on the front cover.
- if we decide to keep to following kerrang's ideas then make sure that there is the editors comment on this page.
- in most magazines there is a page about winning 'goodies' make sure we keep to these conventions.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Risk assessment
- The house is half burnt down therefore unstable.
- Rubble is all over the floor making it uneven and unsafe.
- many tripping hazards.
- unstable floor on the top floor (half is burnt away.)
- glass and nails are on the floor in places making it dangerous.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Thursday, 24 February 2011
My ideal reader for my magazine.
This is my ideal reader. The models style matches the genre that i want my magazine to be. She has stereotypical features of a so called 'Greb' but also has her individual characteristics.
Readers of my magazine are likely to :
- Have facial Piercings.
- Wear skinny jeans.
- Have side fringes.
- lots of eye make up.
- wear dark colours mixed with few really bright colours.
- Dark hair backcombed maybe?
- want to be seen as individual.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Investigating two music magazines (Rocksound)
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Deconstructing celebrities images.
Many stars today take various different approaches to how they live their lifestyles and how they wish to be portrayed through the media, some wish to be seen as outrageous and live their lives through the media, whereas others wish to live their private lives away the limelight.
In todays world the majority of people have heard of Lady Gaga this is because:
- She wears outrages outfits.
- goes overboard with her make up and hair styles.
- lives the life of a rockstar (with drink and drugs) even though she is not thought of being under that genre.
- She tries too hard not to fit in.
- Gets the attention from the public from through stories in the paper of magazines. For example her illness Lupus, and also through the differentoutfits she wears like the meat dress or bubble dress.
i took this picture proud much? :D ...
Most modern rock stars are not that well known as rock music these days is not considered to be 'mainstream'. These days rock stars tend to live their life outside the limelight and prefer their lives this way.
He fits the typical rock genre because:
- Of the clothes he wears his skinny jeans and 'drop dead' t shirt.
- The style of his hair (side fringe).
- The way he is stood even shows that he is a rock star as he looks confidant.
- the way he is posed with his fist clenched around the microphone which looks slightly aggressive.
- He has tattoos (not that in these pictures they are showing).
- He tends to stage dive into the crowd.
- Violent pose crouched down to show passion for the music.
- You can't see it in this picture but he is wearing another bands t shirt which is an example of intertextuality.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Music Genres
Sub-genres are types of music that beong to the main genre eg metal, heavy metal, emo, pop-rock, alternative.
Music and Lifestyle
Music is about more than just the music itself, it is also about the lifestyle.
The music you like today is regarded as a major part of your lifestyle. It can affect the way you dress, think or act. Often the style is derived from particular artists or other famous individuals.
Music may be aimed at a specific target audience or demograpghic. In order to sell music and related products like magazines and dvds to an audience, media companies like to know who they are selling to, as this helps them advertise the product effectively. This is their typical consumer.
It is important that you recognise that any generalisations about an audience will not be true of every single consumer.
In media studies we talk about the penumbra effect, the people 'in the shadow' of the larger group, who still consume a text- the 65 year old who watches Top of the Pops, the black fan of irish folk music.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Investigating two music magazines (Kerrang)
Over the years Kerrang has changed it's layout many times. The first ever issue of Kerrang was released in June 1981 (top left) to a very recent copy that was released on the 12th January 2011. The name Kerrang! is a very clever choice as it is an onomatopoeia and sounds like a guitar.
Inside kerrang the praghology of kerrang is usually very cluttered and unorganised, giving a unique feel to the magazine which is what Kerrang is all about. The images used are overlapping each other also showing the magazine to be cluttered and packed full of information. There is usually a banner at the top of the page to catch the readers attention. In Kerrangs banners there are usually violent words used in this example above there is the word 'ripped' representing the stereotype of the type of music used in Kerrang.
I have used the example of Kerrang above to show the stereotypes of people likely to be featured in rock magazines. The people on the cover look aggressive, have tattoo's, have long hair, also people who are in Kerrang are likely to pose in a aggressive way.
The readership of Kerrang is 396,000 and is the worlds biggest selling music magazine weekly in the world. the average age of the typical Kerrang reader is really young with a median age of 22, this is a big advantage to selling the magazine as this is the age where the audience are more into music and pick up new interests. Kerrang readers are also the main consumers that purchase the most music, purchasing over 6 albums per month on average. The readers of Kerrang are also 5.5 times more likely to attend a rock gig after reading kerrang.
The reason why Kerrang's audience read Kerrang is because they feel that :
- It talks to me in my language.
- Is the authority in it's market.
- Has stuff i talk about with my friends.
- Makes me feel more knowledgeable.
- Like to be seen with this magazine.
- Believe what i read in this magazine.